Credit Suisse - Empowering Women to Succeed
Whether it’s cultural, environmental or habitual, women are often passed over for advancement and promotions simply because of their gender. So besides exposing these discriminatory practices through heightened awareness and HR training, what can be done? In many cases, we can tap into power within each woman by coaching her to exude leadership qualities and truly own the room. When you “take the stage” and lead with confidence, your audience experiences a gravitational pull towards you. Think of any of the great teachers you’ve had. Who do you remember? Those who used their voice, body, and passion for their subject to connect and share the joy of their knowledge with you.
Ok, sounds good, but how can you get to that level of confidence? This is, at the core, what I do..
At Credit Suisse, I worked with the IT Rising Stars program whose mission was to help women realize their full potential in the uber-male world of IT. Establishing confidence and credibility is key. If you want to lead meetings and inspire teams with that gravitational pull, volume is the secret weapon that many women (and men) don’t realize they have. At Credit Suisse, I challenged each woman in the workshop to increase their volume when addressing the group.
The Result?
All of the women tapped into their innate confidence and gained a leadership presence they simply didn’t have before. After the Rising Stars program ended, many women reported that their newfound confidence helped them move up into management positions. Individually, they let me know that every single time they are in front of a group, they own the space in a different way. They’ve been able to get past the critic in their head, and the results have reverberated throughout their careers.
If you’re interested in helping everyone in your organization reach their fullest “rock star” potential, contact me to design a program geared to the specific needs and criteria of your participants. To start, please review my Workshops and Seminars. I look forward to hearing from you!