Ditch the Critic
We’ve all got it. That critical committee in our head that’s commenting on our delivery WHILE we’re speaking to a group - saying things like:
“That was a stupid thing to say”
“Wow, you really blew THAT one,”
“You are so terrible at this - everyone is bored out of their minds."
In our daily lives, this critical committee can provide valuable information on how we’re doing based on a set of goals we’ve set for ourselves. But when you’re addressing a group in a high stakes situation, they’ll sabotage your confidence - and your delivery.
What can you do about it?
One thing I teach in my workshops is to send the committee out of the room.
When you’re doing run-throughs, practice seeing the committee leave the room and go out the door. When it’s time to deliver your talk, find the closest exit and visualize them leaving.
With the critical committee gone, you’ll be able to worry less, and focus on what’s most important - being present and sharing your ideas with your audience.