How To Communicate Your Work Needs BEFORE Quitting Your Job
Photo by Maria Teneva on Unsplash
If you’re beginning to feel like your needs aren’t being met at work, don’t jump to the conclusion that you have to quit and start job hunting for something new. It’s possible there’s an easier solution to your problem. Try talking to your employer about the things that are important to you or are lacking from your current position.
Here are some tips on how you can prepare for this conversation:
Gather your thoughts. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and unsure of how to articulate your feelings. Write down what is lacking from your current role and what changes your employer can implement in order to meet your needs. It’s important to come up with a plan ahead of the meeting. Practice speaking through it out loud a few times.
Pick a good time. Set up a one-on-one with your employer so you can get their undivided attention. If you stop by their office or shoot them an email unprompted, they could be busy with other projects and not take the necessary time needed to talk through your needs. You don’t want to catch them off guard, prepare them by asking to set up some time for a brief check-in.
Breathe and be clear. In the moment, it’s easy to get emotional and veer away from the point of this meeting. Remember to breathe and clearly let your employer know what it is that you need and what steps can be taken to get your needs met. Be willing to cooperate. You may need to work with your employer on how you can both benefit from these changes.
Speaking up about your work needs can be tough, especially when you’re not sure how to go about asking for what you want. Opening the door to communication with your employer will lead to a successful and healthy working relationship. Need help preparing for this meeting? Set up an appointment with me here!