How to Offset Zoom Fatigue
While a percentage of people have shifted back to in-person meetings and work, the vast majority are still finding themselves in online meetings for a lot of their day. Zoom fatigue continues to be a real problem.
How can you give people a break from back to back sessions in front of the camera?
Offer an alternative.
As Heidi Grant shares in her excellent video on hybrid meetings, ask yourself: "should this be a 'cameras on' or 'cameras off' meeting?" Here are some guidelines to help you decide:
Cameras on meeting: internal check-ins, sharing logistics or basic information with a team.
Cameras off meeting: introducing yourself to a new client, working to build rapport with your team, or providing constructive feedback.
Whichever you decide, give people a heads up and include it in the invitation, and as much as possible, get everyone to participate. When some have their cameras off, the first assumption many make is that they’ve got something more important going on, which doesn’t reflect well, whether it’s the case or not.
So, the next time you’re setting up a meeting, think about context, and give everyone a break from the back to back on-camera experience. Who knows? It might end up being their favorite meeting of the day!
If you or your team need help facilitating, leading, or preparing for high stakes scenarios, book a discovery call with me here.