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The Doctor Said Surgery…
When I went flying off of my bike a couple of months ago, I was relieved that I didn’t break anything. But that pain in my shoulder didn’t subside and here I sit with a rotator cuff in bad need of repair.
What ‘s the one thing I can I do right now as my mind starts spinning its web of worry?
How to Offset Zoom Fatigue
The vast majority of us are still finding ourselves in online meetings for a lot of their day. Zoom fatigue continues to be a real problem.
Here’s how can you give people a break from back to back sessions in front of the camera.
Three Ways To Include Remote Guests In Hybrid Meetings
One of the biggest challenges hybrid meetings pose is that remote guests often aren’t on an even playing field with those in person.
It’s human nature to focus on what’s physically closest to us, so those who are dialing in often times get short shrift.
Here are three things you can do to assure that those who are remote aren’t left out.
3 Ways to Avoid Sounding Like a Robot
Often, when preparing to give a presentation or speech, we use stuffy language making it harder for our message to get across. Sentences are longer, word choice is formal, and it just doesn’t sound like us.
Here are three ways to avoid sounding like a robot.
How to Use Your Phone to Get a Break
Feeling overwhelmed by the world, life, and work?
Are notifications and alerts from your phone making things worse?
Here are three ways to use your phone settings to get present and focus.
Bad Advice from TVs Dad Brady
The first advice that I ever heard around how to be a better speaker was terrible.
Use my tips instead.
How to Keep Your Virtual Audience Engaged
When presenting virtually, it can be difficult to hold your audience’s attention. Keep reading for three ways to keep your audience engaged…
People are Stressed - Take Time to Check In
As 2022 gets underway, many of my clients are telling me the same thing: their staff are feeling the weight of the ongoing pandemic and it’s resulting in stress, feeling overwhelmed, and difficulty in focusing.
Three Ways to Get Present in One minute
Whether you’re working to build rapport with your direct reports, facilitate a tough meeting or deliver a presentation to a board of directors, getting centered is the key to connecting authentically with your audience.
Three Ways to Get People to Speak Up in a Meeting
Are you often met with stony silence when leading a meeting? Here are three ways to get folks to speak up and participate:
How To Communicate Your Work Needs BEFORE Quitting Your Job
If you’re beginning to feel like your needs aren’t being met at work, don’t jump to the conclusion that you have to quit and start job hunting for something new.
How to Prepare for Your End of Year Review
There are many ways you can benefit from a performance review, so it’s crucial to prepare ahead of time in order to get the most out of this meeting. Keep reading for some tips on how to get started!
Communication Surrounding Mental Health in the Office
Opening the door to honest communication with your employer is important for a healthy working relationship with your boss, as well as your team.
3 Ways to Stay Connected with Your Hybrid Team
With some of you in the office, while others are tuning in virtually, it can be tough to figure out how to effectively work together. Here are three tips on how to stay connected with your hybrid team…
Hybrid Presentations: How to Present to Two Audiences
When presenting to both the office in person and those who have logged in over Zoom, you’ll have two audiences instead of one.
How to Team-up for a Group Presentation at Work
Although it can be less intimidating presenting with a group, oftentimes there is even more work involved.
First Presentation Back in the Office
Here are some tips to overcoming the initial awkwardness of your first in-person presentation back at work…
A Survival Guide to Returning to the Office
Going back to working in an office can be intimidating; we’ve gotten used to our routines of working remotely, how can we make the transition back to work as smooth as possible?
How To Make a Good First Impression Over the Phone
Instead of panicking every time your phone rings, use these tips to prepare for your phone interview ahead of time!
How to Tackle Last-Minute Presentation Prep
Three proven steps on how to prepare for a last minute presentation